2019年9月11日 星期三

Excel VBA 四 宣告變數、陣列、If、迴圈、Select Case


Dim x As Integer
'x = "d"
x = 1 + 2
MsgBox (7 + x)
MsgBox ("x=" & x)


Byte (1):無符號,0-255
Integer (2)
Long (4)
Double (8)
Boolean (2)
Decimal (14)

Date (8)
Currency (8)
Single (4)
Object (4)
Variant (根据分配确定)

數字預設是 Integer


Dim a(6 To 10) As String
a(6) = "a"
a(8) = "b"
a(10) = "c"
MsgBox a(6) 'a
MsgBox a(7) '

※如果不在範圍內 (6-10),如 a(5) 會報 Subscript out of range


Dim b(1 To 3, 2 To 4) As String
b(1, 2) = "kkk"
MsgBox b(1, 2) 'kkk


Dim i As Byte
i = 7
If i = 1 Then
  MsgBox (1)
ElseIf i = 2 Then
  MsgBox (2)
ElseIf i = 7 Then
  MsgBox (7)
  MsgBox ("hahaha")
End If

※不等於用 <>

Dim i As Byte
i = 7
If i = 0 Then
  MsgBox (0)
ElseIf i >= 1 & i <= 10 Or i = 100 Then
  MsgBox ("1~10 or 100")
  MsgBox ("hahaha")
End If

※& 和 Or 可以更進一步的判斷


※Do ~ Loop

Dim i As Integer
'i = 10
Do While i < 10
  i = i + 1
MsgBox (i)


※For ~ Next

Dim i As Integer
Dim sum As Long

For i = 1 To 10 'Step 1
  sum = sum + i
Next i
MsgBox (sum)

※Step 預設就是 1 了

For i = 1 To 9
  For j = 1 To 9
    Cells(i, j).Value = i & "x" & j & "=" & i * j
  Next j
Next i


※For Each ~ Next

For i = 1 To 5 Step 1
    Cells(i, "a").Value = i * 9
Next i

For Each j In Range("A1: A5")
  If j = 36 Then
    GoTo xx
    'Exit For
  End If
  MsgBox (j)
Next j

※Exit For 就是 break

※GoTo 到一個標籤,模擬 continue

※Select Case

n = -9
Dim str As String

Select Case n
  Case 1
    n = "a"
  Case 2, 3
    n = "b"
  Case 4 To 6
    n = "c"
  Case Is > 6
    n = "d"
  Case Else
    n = "other"
  End Select
MsgBox (n)

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